Work cut out.

Given a paper cutter, I will seize the opportunity to create an increasingly vibrant and efficient space.
I am a person in need of a creative, stimulating space.
My design follows my personal ideals: clean, efficient & beautiful.
If I see something that can be improved, it will be by the end of the night.
I despise waste, and will clean and organize to increase productivity around the workplace.
At my current job, I cut down photo paper scraps into standard letter size for use with the laser printer.
This saves large amounts of paper from being thrown away, while adding to letter-size paper options available.
I have rearranged furniture and computer desks to maximize comfort, ease of travel through the space,
and ultimately increase productivity.
I moved a couch, computer speaker system, and record player (all underutilized)
to be the first thing seen from the hallway of the Language and Media Center.
In the weeks after, the amount of music playing, couch sitting,
and relaxed nature of the workspace increased dramatically.
I am fully versed with 2D material cutters, and economical practices to increase inspiration.
My worst case of "artist OCD": Organizing all the conference room sugar packets by color
Work cut out.

Work cut out.

Why I am not safe for work.


Creative Fields